Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Week 10: Summary

It's been said that the "journey should be as important as the destination". Now it's hard to believe the journey is over except maybe its not. Maybe 23 things was just the first challenge. I was really surprised at how much I learned and enjoyed this training. I really got into it originally just because I wanted the training hours and for the bling incentives. But as I continued on each week, I realized what an opportunity this was to explore all the different websites and be introduced to sites that so many web users travel on a daily or weekly basis (not to mention being able to delve into all of this during work hours!) I admit that at times I was more than frustrated trying to do some of the exercises, but fortunately some of my more computer savvy coworkers came to my aid and I got through it. I particularly love Flickr and the image generators. I want to learn more about the photo websites to organize pictures and share them with family. While I don't think I'll be a MySpace participant, I appreciated being able to check it out to see what all the hype is about. Library Elf is reallly cool. My husband loves it and between the Elf and Hcpl reminders, I should never have a late book again. And since I can't remember from one month to the next what books I've read, let alone the authors, I really want to become more proficient in using LibraryThing to catalog some of my books.
So, that being said, I have reached my destination in finishing 23 things, but the journey to reach new learning goals is just beginning.